
For kids from 8 to 16 years old, we propose a wide variety of movements taught via well-defined progressions to ensure safety and combined with various Apparatus (e.g.: silk, hoop, hammock, trapeze, etc.).

Games and interactive challenges are used to drive motivation and overall enjoyment. A well defined progression ensures safety and effective performance.
We’re not about competition, we’re about supporting and encouraging one another to become the best we can be… although there are obstacle course races! ????

Will this work for me?

AerialKids can work for anyone who has an interest in aerials in general. Even if that interest is just to fly around the room with no intent for progression. 

Need to be able to do:

Listen carefully to the instructor’s teachings and follow the gym’s safety guidelines. Not perform reckless maneuvers with or without the coach. Make sure to have the instructor’s approval when attempting new movements.

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