
This course is focused mainly on inverted balance on the hands (handstands) but also on balance upright in challenging body positions and partner balancing. The class includes many variations of inversions (press-up/roll-up to handstand, headstands, forearm stands, shoulder stands, various one leg positions to name a few) and teaches you the proper body alignment and techniques for maintaining equilibrium on your hands. 

If you want to improve overall balance and learn how to stand on your hands this course is for you. As with all Paragym courses, teamwork is a big component where participants learn not only to align their bodies properly but also how to correct and assist others effectively. Learning different ways of entering into and falling out of inversion are also taught. As well as core/body-line conditioning and mindset aspects that train the perceptual acuity needed once in handstand to be able to sustain the inverted position. We will also explore various body contortions in the upright standing position that will test your balance and agility.

Will this work for me?

If you want to learn handstands, you’re at the right place. 

Need to be able to do:

Hold your body weight on your hands partially inverted against the wall for at least 20 sec.

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