Acrobatics III

The “leap to autonomy”… Moving from the nearly 100% safe, fully assisted movement to one completed without the help of the assists is no small feat. This is what level 3 is all about…The so-called, “spiritual” mindset aspects are central to the teachings. Slightly more advanced motor patterns and simple sequencing (like a roundoff into a flip) are also a central part of the curriculum.

Level III acrobatics is also the place for so called “intuitive movers”, that is to say people who can learn safely while directly attempting a new movement and self-correct with minimal intervention.

Once one has developed the accurate biomechanical patterning required for a movement as well as conditioned their body to generate sufficient energy to get off the ground and complete an aerial rotation, there are a number of mindset factors such as increased “intentional focus”, self-trust, visualization, harnessing, channeling and the notion of “commitment to a move” that lead the improving novice acrobat to autonomous performance. Expect faster progressions, greater movement complexity (including sequencing; e.g. involving round-offs).  

Will this work for me?

This course is the natural last step for those wanting to become autonomous in their flips. It is suggested that you nevertheless compliment this type of course with performance conditioning and flexibility especially if you haven’t been active for some time.

Need to be able to do:

Have a level 2.5-3.0 on the PMA

You should have experience with Paragym manual assistance techniques

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A little bit of both. It is more challenging in terms of skill and strength, but especially psychological. It is also more the final stage, the leep to autonomy - some people, with low fear and natural abilities, are there already. "Intuitive movers" can also immediately access this level.